Wendy Grunwald
ALS Warrior
Wendy has enjoyed her whole adult life by giving and doing fun things for others. She will spend her last penny on a silly little gift just to see the smile on the recipient’s face. She is a lot like her mother in this respect. It’s easy to love Wendy because she’s full of love for others. She is the daughter of Janet, wife of Jon, the mother of Ryan, Brandon, and Jacob, and the grandmother of three precious little boys.
Wendy has worked most of her life serving others in an eye doctor’s office. Not long ago, Wendy put solar eyeballs in many of her friends’ yards as a reminder that she is always watching you (at least this is how I feel when I see them lit up at night). The local Dollar Tree store is her favorite place to buy gag gifts. As one of her cousins says, “It’s been a gag and a squeal with Wendy!” She celebrates every holiday including National Ice Cream Day, National Slushy Day, Groundhog’s Day and every national day social media can come up with, and that’s just about every day of the year.
She’s had other part-time jobs in her past as well. As a young lady, she worked in a movie store (when videos were popular to rent) and a pizza place where she enjoyed talking with the customers. Her fellow employees miss her shenanigans to this day, but life moves on.
Wendy enjoys traveling and is especially fond of Route 66. She has collected license plates and various signs and souvenirs of her travels that are covering her dining room walls. It’s interesting to say the least. She insists that there is always room for more, so I’m sure the collection will grow even more in time.
Wendy was diagnosed with ALS on January 16, 2024. Although the diagnosis shocked all those who love her, Wendy’s motto is and always will be, “I got this!” She is loved by so many people, and I’m sure she doesn’t even realize the love that she has inspired throughout her life so far.
-Written by Wendy’s Aunt, Norma Leone